Communication Games Viral

Serious fun and games

COVID19 is serious stuff, but we can all admit to groaning or tuning out to the worthy, accurate but mind bendingly boring ‘government’ ads. Luckily some countries and clever people are doing it differently.

Here are a few of the best that have engaged their audiences to spread the message.

An animated safety video with music by Erik and Min from the Vietnam Ministry of Health let everyone know how to give the virus the flick and even created an English version, but it became a viral sensation when Quang Dang created the #Ghencovy Challenge.

TikTok spawned thousands of posts from Vietnam and across the world.

In Japan, the Tokyo Governor Uuriko Koike’s urging for distancing  kicked off the creation of the Mitsu Desu Game by Gunjo Chikin on twitter and became a viral hit.

The main character, resembling Governor Koike walks through the crowd and when tapped says “mitsu desu” which means you are close, which moves the crowd away. The goal to not let anyone in too close. When you have lost 5 face masks the game is over, a state of emergency is declared and you are asked to stay home. 

There are two versions, the Japanese and English, with the Japanese version much more fun. The game ends when you have lost your lives and a state of emergency is declared.

MItsu Desu Social distancing game
Mitsu Desu English Version
Mitsu desu Japanese version
Mitsu desu Japanese version

If you love a good board game, now is the time to play Pandemic according to The Conversation, with Australia sales surging since isolation started. Pandemic is more than a game  with a focus on cooperative strategies, creative problem solving and adaptive skills. 

Two to four players play one of seven possible pandemic specialists, and through cooperative efforts, the goal of discovering of all four cures  and preventing outbreaks before the game ends.

Games whether digital or analogue can provide an amazing way of engaging people, to educate and to manage the biosecurity risks.